Full Name* Company Name* Your email* Phone Number Address* Space Reservation: Standard Space 8'x10' = $30 Additional Space Request (additional $25 charge): YesNo Preference: IndoorsOutdoors Middletown Rancheria Member?* YesNo Native? YesNo Non-Profit?* YesNo Electrical Hookup Required* (Limited) YesNo Description of Merchandise* Price Range of Merchandise* Attach Photos of Merchandise
I have read the Rules and Regulations and agree to abide by the terms specified herein.These rules & regulations become a part of the contract between the Vendor and the Twin Pine Casino & Hotel (TPC&H). TPC&H respectfully asks the full cooperation of the vendors in their observance. All points not covered are subject to the decision of the TPC&H. APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED OR SPACE RESERVED, UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY THIS SIGNED AGREEMENT
Full Name* Date*